Gary Wockner
Gary Wockner has been active in environmental protection all of his adult life. Over the past two decades, Gary has spearheaded
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Rebecca Kingdon
Rebecca Kingdon is a recent graduate of the Master of Environment program at the University of Manitoba (Canada), located in the beautiful Treaty 1 territory- the traditional lands of…
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Observatory on Indigenous Thematic in Latin America (OBIAL)
OBIAL- Observatory on Indigenous Thematic in Latin America (OBIAL) of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), located in Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná, Brazil, in the triple…
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Somos una América, Somos Abya Yala
Somos una America, We are Abya Yala (We are One America We are Abya Yala) is a continental communications platform that links youth groups, individuals and social organizations…
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Laisa Massarenti Hosoya
Laisa Massarenti Hosoya is a Brazilian lawyer with a Masters in Public Policy and Development from the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). She’s a specialist in Criminal…
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Marie-Eve Marleau
Marie-Eve Marleau s’implique depuis les quinze dernières années au sein de luttes sociales contre les projets extractifs et pour la justice écologique. Elle assume la coordination du Comité pour…
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Stéphane McLachlan
Stéphane is a Full Professor and coordinator of the Environmental Conservation Lab at the University of Manitoba. He joined the Department of Environment and Geography in 2003,…
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Peter Kulchyski
Peter Kulchyski is a professor of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba, specializing in Indigenous cultural politics, critical theory, modern treaties, Indigenous rights and northern resource conflicts in…
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Ian Baird
Ian Baird is professor of Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he is also the Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, and the coordinator for the…
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