
International Rivers – “We work with an international network of dam-affected people, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, human rights advocates and others who are committed to stopping destructive river projects and promoting better options. Based in four continents, our staff has expertise in big dams, energy and water policy, climate change, and international financial institutions. We support partner organizations and dam-affected people by providing advice, training and technical assistance, and advocating on their behalf with governments, banks, companies and international agencies. The focus of our work is in Latin America, Asia and Africa.”

Available in 中文, Español, Português

Mapping and Storytelling:

Environmental Justice Atlas – A visual storytelling map that documents and shares stories of the social and environmental issues related to resource extraction around the world. Over 3,100 stories have been reported to date, by community members, researchers, and activists. All contributors and feedback are welcome! 

Available in 中文, Español, Arabic,, English, Français, Italiana, and Türk

Geocommunes A project currently focused in Latin America, but expanding globally, Geocommunes aims to document and report damaging energy


Somos Abya Yala – A pan-America communications platform that links groups, social movements, grassroots organizations to connect stories, struggles, demands and action for national sovereignty and territorial autonomy in the defense of progressive models of life.