The Invisibilized Costs of Hydroelectricity
The pristine river systems of the world have been dammed for various purposes like irrigation, hydroelectricity, and storing water in reservoirs for drinking purposes. Hydroelectricity is generated by the…
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Belo Monte Dam has tripled greenhouse gases in the eastern Amazon
Belo Monte hydroelectric dam on the Xingu River 2017, photo by Fernanda Brandt (CC) Research published in the Science Advances journal shows that greenhouse gases in the eastern Amazon have…
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Groups Create San José Declaration Counter Statement
Dam Watch International, along with environmental and social justice organizations from around the world are proud to publish the following statement countering the claims of the “San José Declaration…
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Open Letter to the PM of India Regarding Unjustified Hydropower Development
Civil Society Organizations and researchers in India have written an open letter to the Prime Minister and Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change regarding the recent announcement that…
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Indigenous women’s gathering aims to strengthen female leadership in Brazil
The “1st Meeting of the Women of Western Paraná – The Uprising of Guarani Women and the Strengthening of the Struggle for Land Demarcation”. Photo: Hosoya, 2021. — Dam Watch…
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Hydropower is not a climate solution
In August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published their most incriminating report yet on the state of the global climate crisis. This…
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Global Movement for Rivers and Peoples
“Between September 7 and 24, the World Hydroelectric Congress will be held in Costa Rica, basically a “show” of companies…
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Stop the Intentional Flooding of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation
Manitoba Hydro, a crown corporation, flooded…
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