Wilderness Committee
Read moreThe Wilderness Committee is Canada’s people-powered, citizen-funded wilderness protection group. We have more than 60,000 supporters, volunteers and activists from coast to coast to coast working together to preserve wilderness, protect wildlife, defend parks, safeguard public resources and fight for a stable and healthy climate. We are united in our mission to protect Canada’s life-giving […]
Fight C
Read moreA community action team focused on raising awareness and engagement in the Lower Mainland around the issue of the Site C Dam. Site C violates First Nations Treaty Rights, will flood more than 9550 hectares of land, including enough farmland to feed 1 million people, puts the beautiful Peace Valley at risk, requires evicting farmers […]
Commons BC
Read moreCommons BC visualizes data on BC’s economy, environment, resources and politics using maps & graphics. We fight for responsible policy based on evidence, data, and science in the public interest, with a special focus on the Site C dam, forestry, fracking and LNG. Location: British Columbia, Canada http://commonsbc.ca/
Y2Y – Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Read moreYellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative strives to support people, all wildlife and natural systems in the region between the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Canada’s Yukon Territory. Office locations: Canmore, AB, Canada; Victoria, BC, Canada; Bozeman, MT, USA Work location: USA, Canada https://y2y.net/
Council of Canadians
Read moreThe Council of Canadians is a grassroots social action organization with supporters and chapter activists across the country. Through our campaigns, we advocate for clean water, fair trade, green energy, public health care, and a vibrant democracy. Main office location: Ottawa, ON, Canada Work location: Canada https://canadians.org/
Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL- Committee for Human Rights in Latin America)
Read moreCDHAL is a solidarity organization that works for the defense and the promotion of human rights in reciprocity with social movements and communities in Latin America in the fight for social, environmental, economic, and cultural justice. Main office: Montreal, QC, Canada Work location: Latin America https://www.cdhal.org/ Spanish site here
Amnesty International Canada
Read moreFighting for human rights since 1961 Main office location: Ottawa, ON, Canada Work location: Canada https://www.amnesty.ca/our-work/issues/indigenous-peoples/indigenous-peoples-canada/resource-development-canada/site-c-dam
Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities
Read moreWa Ni Ska Tan is the Cree word for ‘Wake Up’ or to ‘Rise up’. Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities emerged out of the priorities voiced by hydro-impacted Indigenous communities. The Alliance consists of representatives from 24 Cree (Ininew/Inniniwak), Anishinaabe, and Métis nations; 22 researchers; 14 social justice and environmental NGOs; […]
Rolling Justice Bus
Read moreRJB challenges the “business as usual” story and articulates a new hope-filled story for BC: one based on healthy relationships, respect for the web of life, and empowered communities. We encourage, support and celebrate grassroots initiatives throughout BC that focus on ecological, economic and/or Indigenous justice, connecting the local issues with provincial, national and global […]
North American Megadam Resistance Alliance (NAMRA)
Read moreNAMRA is a coalition of organizations whose mission is to protect rivers and their communities by resisting megadams and associated transmission corridors. NAMRA seeks to: 1) Debunk the myth that Canadian hydropower is “clean” and renewable energy, 2) Shut down markets for dirty Canadian hydropower by stopping transmission corridors to the U.S., and 3) Promote […]
Kairos Canada
Read moreWe are Indigenous, settlers and newcomers in Canada working with people of faith or conscience all over the world for ecological justice and human rights. Office location: Toronto and Ottawa, ON, Canada Work location: Canada https://www.kairoscanada.org/
Grand Riverkeeper Labrador
Read moreOur goal is to preserve and protect the water quality and the ecological integrity of the Grand (Churchill) River and its estuaries for present and future users and for posterity through actions of public awareness, monitoring, intervention and habitat restoration. Main office: Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, Canada Work location: Labrador, Canada http://www.grandriverkeeperlabrador.ca/inquiry/
Somos una América, Somos Abya Yala
Read moreSomos una America, We are Abya Yala (We are One America We are Abya Yala) is a continental communications platform that links youth groups, individuals and social organizations that are building social movement, opinion, debate, proposals and alternative actions to Global Capitalism. We are sharing critical views beyond national borders, affirming in the difference is […]
Labrador Land Protectors
Read moreWe are a group of concerned citizens fighting against the development of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric mega-project. We are a diverse group consisting of both indigenous and settler people, and we come from all walks of life. We all bring different experiences, perspectives, and opinions. We are Labradorians and have many supporters from around the […]
Observatory on Indigenous Thematic in Latin America (OBIAL)
Read moreOBIAL- Observatory on Indigenous Thematic in Latin America (OBIAL) of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), located in Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná, Brazil, in the triple border (Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina) works directly with the indigenous communities of the Guarani people that are affected by two hydroelectric plants: “Itaipu Binational” between Brazil […]
Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India
Read moreThe Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India (Forum to be brief) is a network of individuals and organisations who are interested in engaging with water conflicts in India. The Forum has been in existence since 2004, and so far has completed two phases of its work. The first phase involved the understanding […]
Save the Mekong Network
Read moreThe Save the Mekong Coalition is a coalition of non-government organizations, community-based groups and networks, academics, artists and ordinary citizens within the Mekong region and internationally. The coalition was formed in 2009 in response to the public’s growing concern about the effects that hydropower dam development on the Mekong River would have on migratory fish […]
Peace Valley Landowner Association
Read morePVLA represents landowners who are impacted by the proposed Site C dam. Office location: Fort Saint John, BC, Canada Work location: Western Canada https://www.peacevalleyland.com
Sierra Club of BC
Read moreSierra Club BC works to support people stewarding abundant ecosystems and a stable climate, while building resilient, equitable communities. Office location: Victoria, BC, Canada Work location: British Columbia, Canada https://sierraclub.bc.ca/
Peace Valley Environment Association
Read moreThe PVEA’s mission is to stop the proposed Site C dam, remove the flood reserve and foster a sustainable land use plan for the Peace River Valley Office location: Fort St. John, BC, Canada Work location: Western Canada http://www.peacevalley.ca/
RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)
Read moreRAVEN raises money to support Indigenous Nations achieve access to justice, enforce their rights and title, and protect their lands and waters. RAVEN supported West Moberly First Nations and Prophet River First Nations in fighting the proposed Site C dam in north-eastern British Columbia. Office location: Victoria, BC, Canada Work location: Canada https://raventrust.com/
Wilderness Committee
The Wilderness Committee is Canada’s people-powered, citizen-funded wilderness protection group. We have more than 60,000 supporters, volunteers and activists from coast to coast to coast working together to preserve wilderness, protect wildlife, defend parks, safeguard public resources and fight for a stable and healthy climate. We are united in our mission to protect Canada’s life-giving biological diversity through strategic research and grassroots public education.
Office locations: Vancouver and Victoria, BC, Canada; Winnipeg, MB, Canada; Toronto, ON, Canada
Work location: Canada
Fight C
A community action team focused on raising awareness and engagement in the Lower Mainland around the issue of the Site C Dam. Site C violates First Nations Treaty Rights, will flood more than 9550 hectares of land, including enough farmland to feed 1 million people, puts the beautiful Peace Valley at risk, requires evicting farmers and landowners who have lived in the area for generations, will cost British Columbians at least $8.8 billion, will lead to our Hydro rates going up, and isn’t needed!
Location: unceded, occupied, ancestral and traditional lands of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Commons BC
Commons BC visualizes data on BC’s economy, environment, resources and politics using maps & graphics. We fight for responsible policy based on evidence, data, and science in the public interest, with a special focus on the Site C dam, forestry, fracking and LNG.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Y2Y – Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative strives to support people, all wildlife and natural systems in the region between the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Canada’s Yukon Territory.
Office locations: Canmore, AB, Canada; Victoria, BC, Canada; Bozeman, MT, USA
Work location: USA, Canada
Council of Canadians
The Council of Canadians is a grassroots social action organization with supporters and chapter activists across the country. Through our campaigns, we advocate for clean water, fair trade, green energy, public health care, and a vibrant democracy.
Main office location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Work location: Canada
Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL- Committee for Human Rights in Latin America)
CDHAL is a solidarity organization that works for the defense and the promotion of human rights in reciprocity with social movements and communities in Latin America in the fight for social, environmental, economic, and cultural justice.
Main office: Montreal, QC, Canada
Work location: Latin America
Amnesty International Canada
Fighting for human rights since 1961
Main office location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Work location: Canada
Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities
Wa Ni Ska Tan is the Cree word for ‘Wake Up’ or to ‘Rise up’. Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities emerged out of the priorities voiced by hydro-impacted Indigenous communities. The Alliance consists of representatives from 24 Cree (Ininew/Inniniwak), Anishinaabe, and Métis nations; 22 researchers; 14 social justice and environmental NGOs; 9 universities from Canada and the US; and multiple levels of government.
Main office: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Work location: Central Canada
Rolling Justice Bus
RJB challenges the “business as usual” story and articulates a new hope-filled story for BC: one based on healthy relationships, respect for the web of life, and empowered communities. We encourage, support and celebrate grassroots initiatives throughout BC that focus on ecological, economic and/or Indigenous justice, connecting the local issues with provincial, national and global struggles whenever possible.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
North American Megadam Resistance Alliance (NAMRA)
NAMRA is a coalition of organizations whose mission is to protect rivers and their communities by resisting megadams and associated transmission corridors. NAMRA seeks to: 1) Debunk the myth that Canadian hydropower is “clean” and renewable energy, 2) Shut down markets for dirty Canadian hydropower by stopping transmission corridors to the U.S., and 3) Promote alternatives to fossil fuels and megadam hydropower– such as conservation and efficiency.
Main office: New Hampshire, USA
Work location: Canada, US
Kairos Canada
We are Indigenous, settlers and newcomers in Canada working with people of faith or conscience all over the world for ecological justice and human rights.
Office location: Toronto and Ottawa, ON, Canada
Work location: Canada
Grand Riverkeeper Labrador
Our goal is to preserve and protect the water quality and the ecological integrity of the Grand (Churchill) River and its estuaries for present and future users and for posterity through actions of public awareness, monitoring, intervention and habitat restoration.
Main office: Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, Canada
Work location: Labrador, Canada
Somos una América, Somos Abya Yala
Office location: Panamá
Work location: Latin America
Website: https://somosunaamerica.org/
Contact: info@somosunaamerica.org / somosunaamerica@gmail.com
Labrador Land Protectors
We are a group of concerned citizens fighting against the development of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric mega-project. We are a diverse group consisting of both indigenous and settler people, and we come from all walks of life. We all bring different experiences, perspectives, and opinions. We are Labradorians and have many supporters from around the world!
We are Defenders! We are Protectors of land, water, and life! Together we stand against the damming of our Grand (Churchill) RIver, in particular Muskrat Falls and Gull Island in Labrador, Canada.
Main office: Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, Canada
Work location: Labrador, Canada
Observatory on Indigenous Thematic in Latin America (OBIAL)
OBIAL- Observatory on Indigenous Thematic in Latin America (OBIAL) of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), located in Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná, Brazil, in the triple border (Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina) works directly with the indigenous communities of the Guarani people that are affected by two hydroelectric plants: “Itaipu Binational” between Brazil and Paraguay and “Yaciretã” between Paraguay and Argentina, both on the Paraná River.
Office location: Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)
Work location: Latin- America
Website: https://obialtematicaindig.wixsite.com/obial/blog
Contact: obialtematicaindigenaunila@gmail.com
Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India
The Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India (Forum to be brief) is a network of individuals and organisations who are interested in engaging with water conflicts in India. The Forum has been in existence since 2004, and so far has completed two phases of its work. The first phase involved the understanding of water conflicts through documentation and the focus of the second phase was on resolving and preventing water conflicts. Currently the Forum is in its third phase and its main focus is the backstopping of water conflicts. The Forum has taken up the Mahanadi basin to study key thematic issues like environmental flow, agriculture and industrial water use and conflicts around groundwater. At present more than 250 members are associated with the Forum.
Office location: Pune, MH, India
Work location: India
Save the Mekong Network
The Save the Mekong Coalition is a coalition of non-government organizations, community-based groups and networks, academics, artists and ordinary citizens within the Mekong region and internationally. The coalition was formed in 2009 in response to the public’s growing concern about the effects that hydropower dam development on the Mekong River would have on migratory fish stocks, regional food security, and the livelihoods of millions of people.
Office location: N/A
Work location: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
Peace Valley Landowner Association
PVLA represents landowners who are impacted by the proposed Site C dam.
Office location: Fort Saint John, BC, Canada
Work location: Western Canada
Sierra Club of BC
Sierra Club BC works to support people stewarding abundant ecosystems and a stable climate, while building resilient, equitable communities.
Office location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Work location: British Columbia, Canada
Peace Valley Environment Association
The PVEA’s mission is to stop the proposed Site C dam, remove the flood reserve and foster a sustainable land use plan for the Peace River Valley
Office location: Fort St. John, BC, Canada
Work location: Western Canada
RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)
RAVEN raises money to support Indigenous Nations achieve access to justice, enforce their rights and title, and protect their lands and waters. RAVEN supported West Moberly First Nations and Prophet River First Nations in fighting the proposed Site C dam in north-eastern British Columbia.
Office location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Work location: Canada