• A Conversation on Hydro and Indigenous Territories

    In partnership with Kitatipithitamak Mithwayawin (COVID-19 Indigenous), we hosted the webinar, A Conversation on Hydro and Indigenous Territories. This featured members of our network that have directly and indirectly experienced the impacts of hydro. The panelists included Shannon Chief, Willard Napash, Nathan Neckoway, and Maira Oliva Ríos. Resources that were mentioned in the webinar include: Odinewin […]

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  • Itaipu Dam: The struggle of the Avá-Guarani people continues

    Considered one of the largest power stations on the planet, Itaipu binational hydroelectric plant, located between Brazil and Paraguay, was built from 1975 to 1982 when both countries were living in the era of military dictatorship. Itaipu binational hydroelectric plant claims itself as “a model of sustainability”, nonetheless, it has generated extensive environmental degradation, affected […]

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  • Let’s Move: A Film by Willard Napash

    Filmmaker Willard Napash shares the impacts of hydro-dam development on his Cree community, Chisasibi (in so called Quebec, Canada).  Willard has seen the many impacts of dams firsthand, which is why he wanted to make this documentary. For example, the dams are impacting the salinity of Hudson’s Bay, which then reduces the growth of eelgrass […]

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  • DAMage to the Kischi Sipi

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  • DAMage on the Rio Cauca

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Visit Wa Ni Ska Tan Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities to read more community stories from Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (Nelson House), Misipawistik Cree Nation (Grand Rapids), O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (South Indian Lake), Pimicikamak Cree Nation (Cross Lake), and Fox Lake Cree Nation.

Share your Story

If you would like to submit a community story (entry point for the map, facts about impacts, resistance efforts, photos, audio recordings, videos, etc.), please contact eclinfo@umanitoba.ca or fill out the contact form here:

DWI Community Stories - English

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